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And there I saw a vision in flames upon my forehead in the distant future of worldwide regime and leadership never before seen.  What I saw as I stood on a shore of igneous sand aflame in my position .

The mark itself, that of the beast: with it's 14 heads, 14 horns and 3 crowns and there in the fray of it three numbers 6 bound as a 666 which is a 6.

Blazing with a furious marring on the lambs guided to the sound of war drums and reinvigorated sacrifice of jews - Rich youths all of them and trade being made!

There was upon the right hand of Pan whom was robust and wealthy beyond any past means a mark meaning a meaning only known to me - my name......

The Mark of Blasphemies upon my forehead and the smell of festivals to be held - those of an orderly orgy of parading multitudes at this event only to celebrate that of one thing:  The Resurrected Christ and the fall of the ones who refuse to believe in me that I am Lord. 

Thuslie I give you the method and means toward the new life on earth - the means of marking the self to insinuate membership in our cult; our empire. 

And amongst the scattered events like a kaleidoscope of time and crowds, I saw evil ones: people despised and poor and enslaved to the world for crimes.

These were crimes of that which cannot be appropriated such as persecution of the God I am and persecutions against there fellow man and other gods and celebrities.  Proliferations of guilt's fortitude and willful destruction of nature.  There crime was not there religions or cultures as they were quite diverse - it is the crime by which binds them to be ones who must learn.  The crime of unwilling to change and also those of resistance via terrorism.

It was then that a feather blew onto my nose as I awoke that may afternoon with a scatter of rock doves pecking to and about in that park.  There I knew who I was and I realized what to do next.  I then took my journal and a parchment of hemp out of my saddle bag and began etching and writing about what I saw in a rush to leave out nothing save the truth of my play and master plan as I was inspired to unfold it.

The RITE of the MARK:

  I arrived to my Florentine apartment amongst the hills and  took my stencil and pressed the parchment of hemp lightly writing not to pierce the parchment the hexatrad of the AntiChrist and having a pin with the colors of the Vatican in of my native Italy on my person, I pierced the skin of my left index finger staining the parchment with blood upon the number of mine name and issuing a catholic piccoria insignated through the mark on the parchment- 666- while staining it with blood.  A good shallow blood-drawing pin prick impailation, I thought to myself being a last remainder of Vlad's line.

  And then I made the signs and sigels for my name and incanted the true immutable essence of what I am - The Arch-Angel of Sin on High.  And spoke as I burned it and directed the life force within the mark of the beasts shape and etched perfect geometrie and blood stain and triple 6, "Yadhi Vavi..." three times and burned the parchment.   Then with haste I took the astral entity of my numbers and spell and without interference from voyeurs placed it in the centre of my right hand's back.

It was then the spell took effect - I stayed up that week in perfect harmony as I had a two week leave of Military service working on the grand life I had lived.  I made sure not to harm the innocent, to infiltrate the protesting churches and orthodoxies and to chastise free masonry where "My Ob" means "I'm Guilt."  Thuslie so I did pick sides.

Then I took the burned ashes of the parchment and rubbed them (yes they were cool) on my forehead to signify the unholy entity I was becoming.  A week later a man named Simon Jon Viker greeted me as he stared at my right hand from an angle and we became best of friends once again- see, Viker was curious so I preformed a rite of the Mark for him one for another marking and he accepted.  Thuslie so my world was growing all to fast and the persecution in my life dissipating into fame and certain fortune.  Soon, I knew soon my day of Reign would arrive.

And I soulless - I am hollow!

-The Christ