And it was so at the beginning of eternity the hue of Lucifer who was light to be come darkness! He is first, then Michael was heun and then Satan. The first thing that Lucifer did was walk toward Satan and Michael, back turned to God's presence and saying, "I Love my Life!"
Michael knew that Lucifer was a bit unstable as he took the two of them into practice in the beginning saying that we must become our own gods at first. This innocence was only the beginning of a venomous path that Lucifer would bring in the lifestyles of the heavens. This snake bore first venom when Lucifer took toward the first assassination and killed the Seraphim Arconial blaming annother for the crime and during this first murder was the reflecting act by the rock of Cain; or as Lucifer called him, CARN!
The act made Lucifer an outcast? No actually this was the first act of defiance to the codes of heaven and he boastfully would say I am proud and better than God. However he was still accepted amongst the Grand host of the Archon which Archonial was the leader and Lucifer a bishop within renaming it the Luxor and making it his own.
It came the day when God's face shown to Lucifer who seemed embittered toward him and at this point the innocent angels were summonsed to stay away from him. But those who stayed joined or remained neutral towards the Luxor. Those who stayed closest were Satan, Devriel, Atagael and Sinitrael and even Seriel who was of the good angels and she spied them out at the source.
God Warned Lucifer that if he didn't throw away his sinful way that he would stricken his name from the book of life and cast him down to the depths of existence outside heaven with the rest of them. With whom Lucifer's best friends did in secret utter the first words of the Luxor's pure essence, the question starters "what hoe whey".
And when Lucifer saw Seriel approach there turf he became entranced by her spell but he did not love her, he lusted after her eventually trusting her only after she gave and pregnan she was after this. It was in a heavenly grape viniard that she finally got it from him the secret of Lucifer and his power. When she left impregnated by lucifer she told Michael's host and the guard at the gate issued her make haste he was worried - when michael heard, he was changed in strategy toward the Luxor by the news. You see, this was early on - that Lucifer was and had become Pride from light! "He has corrupted them all and himself beyond a heavenly existence then?" He asked Seriel. "Yes," she spoke.
Things got worse when confronted by the leader of the archon remainence, a Neutral order of angels which had great influence during the time of Nannunaki and ancient man. It is true that as Arconial ascended to enter heaven from annother life back to heaven he was beheaded by Lucifer and killed again - the Archon's faction of the angels and burned to ashes to not suffer the spell bindings of the luxor and spread over the pacific his ashes and that is the angelic word "Hawaii" or "Burning body."
Michael himself visited Lucifer after this to warn him to stop and Lucifer said to him, "Why? Do you not know me, that I am better than God?"
"But we are to serve God," Michael replied.
And that evening in heaven toward michael in retort "Go fuck love, I'm better than you too!" spat Lucifer and Michael's countinance changed as a spell to trust came over him.
He beckonned "Michael, Come, let me show you something." as his back was turned toward Michael the King of all hosts and he reached behind a bush as Michael cautiously yet undisuaded took his side and as soon he came by his side and turned to his face, Lucifer looking down yet watching.
"See... Down here.."
"Behold my CREATION!!" thundered Lucifer as a snake was produced and lunged it toward Michael, who was startled and pulled put his sword in defense cutting the snake in half and in stroke, Lucifer's left fore-arm and the pain is still felt by Lucifer when Michael looks his way to this day.. "Damn you Michael..." uttered the snake bearer as he nursed his wound allowing the snake to drink his blood staining the clouds with a glowing brilliant light emitting substance.
Word got out fast as Adrael met with Michael on his way back a triplet in angle from his directional heading back to retreat. Adrael slowing down shouted "what has happenned?" as michael was short of breath near collapse with a bleeding yellow pussy puncture in his right shoulder. "Lucifer - he's corrupt, something's happenned in the city of Luxor, make hast if I cannot make it back, tell them" and Michael landed on a cloud Adrael soon after him. "No, you tell me"
"What is this feeling?" You see Adrael already knew that a poison, a venom had enterred Michael and he said on a false concerns inspection of him "the only way to cure you is to bring you to the chaos city to meet Dezrael to be purified of this, come we are close by, just over that cloudy valley. I'll fly you there, allow me."
As Michael lay there breathing hard, Adrael lifted him and brought him to Dezrael's abode by wing. The envenomization was severe and word had not gotten out about Michael's run in though word of the corruption of the Luxor had been making waves and it was spreading that they may be dangerous. All this and the chance isolation of the Chaos City was all in sew.
On arrival, Dezrael quickly made a tonic and potion to cure the wound transforming and poisoning even the flesh of Michael the Archangel. And so a new concept was born.
"What of this substance? What is it?"
"I call it a venom," said Dezrael to Adrael and Michael.
Adrael and Dezrael chatted about this as Michael fell asleep. "It seems to have altered the essence of his shoulder's liquid and solids via a liquidized gas." "So a part of Love was altarred by this concoction - this creation of Lucifer!?" Questioned Adrael
Adrael pursued to say this "How about we confront Lucifer, quick give me a dart tipped with some venom of your own making that could even effect you and then confront him; you in the open format and me hiding from a higher cloudwill confront him openly if he turns on you I will blow the dart through a tube at Lucifer hitting him, envenomating him and you'll be safe."
"Alright, make sure to guard, you'll be the witness we'll be safe, ok." Assured himself Dezrael.
Michael Stirred at this in his sleep, "Ever since.. well, the beginning, Lucifer may have been created improperly as his actions were in the wrong - was he always bearing psychosis, maybe it's the substance his body.. or a matter of essence?" said Dezrael
Adrael pursued, "we must make.. hassste!"
And this is the way Adrael tricked Dezrael the angel of purity to deliver the dart covered in Dezrael's own venom and essence changing substance. So like the becoming of Michael the archangel's shoulder into lust and Dezrael became Dedrial to be corrupted by Lucifer further as he arose to earth wrathful. This is the precursor to the war and the exact first symbol of Betrael was against Dezrael as Adrael shot the dart into his back coverred with his own made venom. This whole occurrence took 6 nights. Later Adrael's spy made it to the chaos city and took a sample of Michael's blood from Michael's shoulder and passed it to lucifer who sent the sigel of this venomous alteration to himself in the past. To pass Michael got back home after he woke and Dezrael was captured and the impurification of Dezrael and other experiments started in his captivity.
"Why, There you go," as he put a strong armor on himself, at this Seriel yawned.
"Well Aren't you going to fight?"
"Enough Seriel! You've changed!"
"What's in it for me?"
"When we win, you mean? Well, we'll have the power of God!"
And so Luxor was prepaired to die and fall for a war to be greater than the self. Also.. amongst the Archon Loyalists.
"Is the weapon ready?" "Yes..?"
"Let's just hope we're ready in time"
"one final tweak"
"It works!"
And in the Host's city...
"I'm ready"
"Check that!"
"We all are ready."
"To the front lines then!"
And catastrophe ensued and in the fray of it all God made and appearance and struck the rebel leader into the realms below, that is when Lucifer fell down as the weapon of the Archon activated and broke each of the other rebel's right wing deafening that side's ear with lightning and thunder all whilst being chased by the forces of the host and their justice.
The forces of the Luxor were destroyed in one grand battle after the forces of justice met the forced of poisons down with lightning and they were banished to Diazelem to await release whether they changed or learned or didn't deserve it for some cases it was permanent till needed.
Will Lucifer return? Will we see him again - some say he has returned, other say he is a myth. But I recon he's closer - maybe even writing this from memory right now... Who knows? Really - no one knows.